Stanturf and co-workers have written a review article about restoring 2 billion hectares…
Clark and co-workers have put the climatic changes over the last 250 years…
Smil describes how man takes what Earth has to offer. The combined people…
Luyssaert and co-workers estimate the balance between carbon sequestration and carbon removal from…
Ceballos and co-workers list the known extinctions of higher animals since 1500, and…
Lundmark and co-workers model the effect of clear-cut forestry and continuous cover forestry…
The Swedish Forest Agency has published yearly overviews of the state of forestry…
The Global Forest Coalition has written a brief document arguing that bioenergy should…
Should we displace people in developing countries from their land in order to…
Det nordiska ministerrådet har låtit författa en rapport om biologisk mångfald, kolinlagring och…
A report commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers, on the biodiversity, carbon…
Lundmark m.fl. jämför i en modelleringsstudie hur två skogsskötselmetoder, kalhyggesbruk och kontinuitetsskogsbruk, skiljer…