Our goals

Protect the Forest’s goals are:
- that the mountainous forest is exempted from felling.
- that all old-growth forests are protected.
- that at least 30% of productive forests are permanently protected in ecologically representative and interconnected areas.
- that forests are restored to achieve our environmental goals.
- that today’s dominant forest management methods with clear-cutting, soil preparation and planting of monocultures are replaced by close-to-nature forestry.
- that subsidies for the extraction of forest biofuels are abolished.
- that old trees in all environments are preserved.
- that overgrown pastures with old trees are restored and managed by traditional methods.
- that special efforts are made for particularly endangered species.
- that the forest as a habitat for humans is preserved.
- that all the values of the forest are protected, so that multiple uses are promoted.
What Protect the Forest states:
- that the natural rotation period of trees can often be 200 – 1000 years, which is in stark contrast to the rotation periods of forestry.
- that forestry in its current form is an exploitative industry that is not sustainable in the long term.
- that the profits from forestry have mainly not accrued to those who have worked with or lived in the forest.
- that forestry in our country is carried out using methods that not only disadvantage animals and plants, but also make it more difficult for other human industries, or other ways of using the forest, so-called multiple use.
- that the depletion of forests and their biodiversity is progressing rapidly despite increased nature conservation efforts in recent decades.