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Forest-Park Dispute in Estonia Involving Stora Enso Reaches Supreme Court

Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) in Märjamaa forest-park. Photo: Mari Laanesaar.

There has been progress in Estonia’s forest-park lawsuit: the dispute about whether the logging permits were challenged on time has reached the Supreme Court of Estonia. However, Stora Enso has said a few days ago that they intend to cut down the Märjamaa forest-park as soon as they can – i.e. before the Supreme Court can make a decision.

The fact that the dispute made it to the highest court gives hope to the Estonian local communities that their interests will be taken more into account when it comes to deciding over the green spaces in their neighborhoods.

Read more about the criticism against Stora Enso in Estonia here.

The forest in Märjaama forest-park. Photo: Mari Laanesaar.