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Treetoo – time to say enough is enough

Maria Westerberg, also known as Wild Heart (Vildhjärta), is the author, artist and poet who feels urged to carve the forest’s last wish. She finds symbolism in logs and sticks and wants to protest against the forest eaters when they get too greedy. It is time for #treetoo. 

Maria Westerberg (Wild Heart) will never call the ocean of clearcuts and plantations appearing everywhere in our country for forests. She dreams of a call, an uprising, where we dare to speak up. A place where we are allowed to tell stories of destroyed paths and mushroom and berry growing spots, obliterated memories and shattered poetry. 

Maria Westerberg secretly dreams of a #treetoo, a place where it is allowed to grieve over lost treasures. How does it feel when somebody else has decided that your entire habitat forever will be changed? We can all begin with saying enough. Enough is enough. 

See the poetic short film “#treetoo – A poem” which is made by Campfire Stories here

Check out to find out more about how we can transform the forestry industry in Sweden and elsewhere.