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Is it too late to transition to a society within the planetary boundaries? Some well-known researchers are rather pessimistic. However, pessimism can lead to paralysis, therefore we are instead inspired by Pär Holmgren’s book titled ”The least we can do is as much as possible” (only available in Swedish).

If we are to live sustainably, carbon dioxide emissions need to be reduced down to 1-2 tons per person and year globally. Consumption-based emissions in Sweden are now around 11 tons per person and year. This includes products and services used in Sweden independently of where the emissions take place, that is, the import of products as well as airplane and ferry trips are included.

A lot can be done to save the climate and indeed the planet on an individual basis, but society – politics – must take the lead. The industry including the timber industry will have to adapt as well. Read more in the links under ”Solutions” for suggestions on how to contribute!