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Open letter to Sveaskog: Show us your nature value assessment!

A tree stump in the forest at Biellovare. It indicates that a fire has been in the forest a long time ago.
Photo: Björn Mildh.

The FSC-certified and state-owned company Sveaskog continues to plan loggings in old-growth forests which are important reindeer grazing lands of the Maskaure Sami village in Arjeplog’s municipality. Sveaskog will not openly publish its nature value assessment of the forest of Biellovare, which is planned for logging. Leif Lundberg from Maskaure Sami village, Björn Mildh and Johanna Nilsson from The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) have written an open letter to Sveaskog. They ask Sveaskog if the company’s nature value assessments are of such low quality that they can’t be shown?

Here is the open letter to Sveaskog:

“Dear Anette, Fredrik and Jenny,
Sveaskog continues to log old natural forests, which are important reindeer grazing lands for Maskaure Sami village, even though the Sami village has said no to logging. At the same time Sveaskog refuses to show its nature value assessments concerning the forest at Biellovare, although we have asked for a written report time and again (Leif Lundberg Maskaure Sami village and Björn Mildh SSNC):
”. . will not send any written nature value assessment. .” (Answer from Sveaskog in a letter 11.10.2019).

Are Sveaskog’s assessments of such low quality that they can’t be shown?
The natural forest at Biellovare:

Sveaskog has the great self-confidence to carry out its own nature value assessments internally. In that case no forest which is a reindeer grazing pasture should be cut down as the assessment is held secret. Especially since the Sami village in question has said no to logging and has asked for a written report.
Sveaskog’s secrecy and refusal strides against the general conception of justice.

How many times should this have to be said to a company which has FSC-certified its forestry and has ”openness” as its keyword?

Sveaskog, please be open and publish your nature value assessment of the forest at Biellovare!!

Kind regards,
Leif Lundberg, Maskaure Sami village
Johanna Nilsson, member of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in Luleå
Björn Mildh, member of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation”