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Presentations from the Boreal Eco-Forestry Conference

The Boreal Eco-Forestry Conference conference took place online 4-5 april 2022 (see announcement here). It was organised by the Lapland district of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, in cooperation with Protect the Forest, Sweden. The conference was a part of the Kolarctic CBC project “Adapting management of Barents forests to future climate and economy conditions“, funded by the EU.

The intro speech of the Boreal Eco-Forestry Online Conference 2022

Viktor Säfve, Co-organizer of the Boreal Eco-forestry Online conference 2022, one of the founding members of the association Protect the Forest, Sweden. Works with ecosystem management, nature conservation and small-scale agroforestry.

From old-growth forests to industrial plantations in northern Sweden

Lars Östlund, Professor in forest history at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

The effects of clear-cutting on mycorrhizal fungi

Anders Dahlberg, Professor at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.

Nutrients concentrations discharging from drained peatland forests are increasing

Mika Nieminen, Principal Scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland

More variation with inspiration from forest ecology and data on red-listed species

Håkan Berglund, Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Swedish Species Information Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.

Urnatur, multifunctional forestry in southern boreal Sweden

Håkan Strotz, Forester, forest multiple-use company Urnatur, Sweden

Could phasing out clear-cutting be a tool to counteract climate change?

Anders Lindroth, professor emeritus, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden

Climate mitigation forestry – temporal trade-offs

Göran Englund, Professor emeritus at the department of ecology and Environmental Sciences, Umeå University, Sweden

Natural disturbance-based forest management

Timo Kuuluvainen, Associate Professor and Docent of Forest Ecology at the Department of Forest Sciences at the University of Helsinki, Finland

Integrated process protection – The Lübeck model of forest management close to nature

Knut Sturm, Forester, expert in close-to-nature forest management , managing director, Stadtwald Lübeck, Germany

Forestry needs to take a step back and our nature needs to heal

Jon Andersson, PhD, forest ecologist and expert in forest mapping and GIS, Sweden.

Private forest owner’s: the need for valuation using multiple values and currencies

Per Angelstam, Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences & Professor emeritus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Effect of forestry for the Saami reindeer husbandry

Tiina Sanila-Aikio, Chair of the Organization Saami Reindeer Herding District, Finland

Economics of multifunctional forestry in the Sámi people homeland region

Vesa-Pekka Parkatti, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Forest Sciences, Economic-ecological optimization group, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Finns’ criticism towards clear-cuttings

Annukka Valkeapää, PhD, Executive director, Continuous Cover Forestry Association Silva, Finland.