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Projektledare och kommunikatör på Skydda Skogens webbtjänst

Viktor Säfve

Viktor Säfve is an expert in forestry and close-to-nature forestry, nature conservationist and smallholder in agroforestry. Born and raised in Norrbotten. Lives and works with his family on a forest farm in southern Närke. Is an experienced campaign manager, conservationist, educator, nature guide and gardening enthusiast. Works part-time at the association Protect the Forest with issues related to mapping of forests worthy of protection and is voluntarily engaged within the association with policy issues for close-to-nature forestry, and with international forest issues.

I also work for my own family’s company Åfallet Skogsträdgård with nature reserve management, lectures, guided tours, gardening and pedagogy. Contact person in Närke.